Work Styles Test (Cultural Fit)

The work style test, or also known as the Cultural Fit test, is a test that aims to understand what values and beliefs in the work environment people value most and least.


When it comes to values, it's always very difficult to say something you don't like. In general people tend to like everyone, but there are always some who are valued more and less intensely. For this reason, the workstyle test is an ipsative test, that is, strength of choice.


To generate a grade, the candidate's result is always correlated with the diagnosis and definition of the culture of the companies that use the system. With the objective of actually determining a fit grade.


Any psychometric test is never 100% perfect and may not be overly assertive with all test takers. In general, it has to be processed as additional information when deciding who will be selected for a face-to-face conversation in a selection process – being more effective than biased deductions that are made through the curriculum.


The methodology we selected to use in the work style test is the OCP - Organizational Culture Profile - O'Reilly, Chatman and Caldwell (1991). It has undergone three updates so far and in recent studies it has still proved to be the best method to measure organization person-fit (fit between person and organization).


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